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Update on Major Planning Applications

22nd August 2018 @ 2:02pm – by Henbury Parish Council
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Planning Applications:

  • 17/4034M
  • 17/4277M
  • 18/0294M

The developers involved in these 3 major Planning Applications to build hundreds of houses on ex-Greenbelt either side of Chelford Road, recently submitted further documents to Cheshire East, which aimed to review the cumulative impact of these developments on Transport and Air Quality.

Consultants were hired by the developers to produce the reports. Unfortunately, Henbury Parish Council believe that both reports are mis-leading, and draw inaccurate conclusions. As an example, the consultants carried out a traffic survey to support their conclusions, on a day when several year-groups were not in school at Fallibroome, due to exams.

Your Parish Council has mounted a strong further objection, which you can view in the attached PDF file.

After the closing date for public comments, CEC published another document on the Planning Portal from the CEC Strategic Infrastructure Team. This appears to accept the developers' Transport Assessment at face-value, and support the developers' proposal to remove the roundabout at Broken Cross and implement traffic-lights, stating that although these will be operating over-capacity, (i.e. more queues), they believe it will mitigate the effects of the developments. It's proposed that the developers will be required to deliver the new junction once 100 units are occupied on the new developments.

CEC Strategic Infrastructure further acknowledge that Broken Cross junction actually needs a major re-design, and they plan to do that "by the end of 2030".

Currently these 3 planning applications are due to be heard at the CEC Strategic Planning Board on 4th September.

You can view all documents, by entering the appropriate Planning Application Reference on the CEC Planning Portal here

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