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Answers to commonly asked questions about our Millennium Green:

What does it provide for the Local Community?

The Green is used for community events such as the Summer Fete and Guy Fawkes Night Bonfire. It is also available for informal outdoor recreation by residents of all ages, for example having a gentle stroll, kicking a ball about, playing cricket, making a den in the bushes, sledging in winter or watching the wildlife. It is used by the local scout and guide groups, and local schools and pre-schools for holding events, learning about nature, learning new skills and playing games. The Children's Play Area equipment was installed in July 2014 and provides a selection of structures such as a basket swing, a 'trim trail' and a tower with slide. It is designed to encourage children to exercise safely and test their skills at balancing as well as climbing.

Who owns and looks after it?

The Millennium Green Trust owns and is responsible for maintaining, and improving, the Green in line with the Trust Deed under which it was formed and with a Planning Agreement made with the Borough Council. The Trust is managed by a group of Trustees. The Trust holds an Annual General Meeting each spring, open to all residents and interested parties, at which it reports on its activities and finances and seeks feedback from the community on matters concerning the Green.

How is it financed?

The Trust derives its income from grants made by the Parish Council and the Henbury Events Committee, covenants from local residents and also fundraising events such as the bonfire & firework display. It also benefits from interest earned on an Endowment Fund built up from donations received since its formation in 1998. Regular maintenance such as grass and hedge cutting, public liability insurance and safety audit cost a significant sum each year with money also being required for 'one off' maintenance jobs and improvement projects.

How is it maintained?

The Trust works to an Annual Maintenance Plan, which is reviewed and updated each year. Some routine maintenance, such as the mowing of the grass area and the wildflower meadow and hedge cutting is done by paid contractors. The rest of the maintenance is done by the Trustees ably supported by volunteers. The work includes (but is not limited to):

  • Re seeding the wildflower meadow where appropriate.
  • Pruning the willow structure
  • Thinning and coppicing the woodland to maintain wildlife habitat and tree health and of course to provide fuel for the annual bonfire.
  • Progressively replacing the hedgerows – removing the old sycamore and replacing it with hawthorn.
  • Keeping the footpath free of weeds.

Can my organized group use the Green?

The Green is open to use by organized groups for non profit making purposes. Examples of groups that regularly use the Green for events, learning new skills, learning about nature and playing games are the local Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, the local Rainbows and Brownies, the local primary school and the local pre-school. If you would like your organized group to use the Green for any purpose, please contact one of the Trustees who will discuss whether your plans are in line with the purpose of the Green and also provide you with our information sheet about the use of the Green by organized groups. The Trustee can also check that your use of the Green does not clash with that of any other group or any maintenance work being done.

How can I contribute to the well-being of the Green?

  • Volunteer to help with the maintenance. The News section of this website includes details of planned working parties where you are invited to come along and help us maintain the green.
  • Report any damage or defects to the play area to one of the Trustees or volunteer to help with the required routine inspection of the playground.
  • Volunteer to help with our events, for example the Annual Bonfire which is our major fundraising event.
  • Come to the AGM and meet the trustees and let us know your thoughts on the Green.
  • Above all – use and enjoy the Green – it's what it is there for.

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