Today, after years of submitting comprehensive, well-researched objections to the proposed development opposite the Cock Inn on Chelford Road, Henbury Parish Council (along with others) managed to get the application deferred despite recommendations for approval from Planning Officers.
Application 19/3097M Reserved matters was heard today at the Cheshire East Strategic Planning Board. The application already has outline approval, and today's discussion sought to finalise the design and layout of the site. Several local CE councillors objected to the application, including Lesley Smetham, James Barber and Nick Mannion.
In addition, our own Parish Councillors Simon Browne and Richard Slater articulated once again the very real concerns that Henbury residents have regarding these developments.
Following a close vote, the application has been deferred for further work looking into the design, and also the important matter of how the peat on the site will be dealt with.
One contentious point within the discussion was the outstanding application submitted by the developer of the site, to have the imposed condition of re-designing the Broken Cross junction to deal with increased traffic, removed. This application will be heard at a later date and Planning Officers stated that the application heard this morning should be decided independently. Several Board Members were concerned about this.
Application 19/3098M was also on the Agenda for this morning's meeting. This is for additional houses at the north of the site adjoining Whirley Road. Following the deferment of 3097, this was removed from the Agenda – effectively also deferred.