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Spring Has Arrived on the Green at Last

27th April 2018 @ 11:11am – by Henbury Webteam
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cowslip 2018ladies smock 2018first bluebell 2018wood anemone2018

Millennium Green Trustee David Walker has been out and about looking for signs of the late spring and here's what he found.

Last Friday (20 April) we heard a blackcap singing – a summer visitor, usually well hidden and difficult to spot (we didn't). It was in the woodland area along Church Lane somewhere.
The same day we saw wood anemones in the more open land along the A537, cowslips near the sundial, and the first brave bluebells on the bank going up to Church Lane where the snowdrops are now dying down. Ladies' smock is out too in various places.
Tomorrow I shall go to look for the snakeshead fritillaries (if the rabbits haven't had them) which are in bloom in my garden now and try to see if the marsh orchids are showing signs of life.

TIP : Click on the photos to see which is which !

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