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Not Long Now Till the Summer Fete

4th June 2018 @ 6:06am – by Henbury Webteam
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Henbury Summer Fete on the Millennium Green. 2pm Saturday June16th

Preparations for the Fete are going well but we still need donations of BOTTLES, HOME PRODUCE , CAKES , BOOKS and UNWANTED TOYS for the stalls so please root around and see what you can find for us and give Ann Cousin a call on 610059.

In exchange for a TOMBOLA prize, do come and enjoy a glass of wine or a cup of coffee on Friday June 8th from 7.30pm at 2 Edgeway hosted by Jackie & Trevor Newton

And keep an eye on www.henbury.org for news of what will be going on on the 16th. we've something new for the children up our sleeves! Watch this space!

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