For many years, each Spring, Parish Councillor and Tree Warden Simon Browne has led a team of volunteers to plant new hedges and trees around Henbury.
They have now planted an amazing 3500m of new hedgerow, and 2100 trees in total.
These will bring both biodiversity gains for flora and fauna, and landscape improvements. Recently the focus has been on the area towards Redesmere, to try to link that to wider Henbury.......
Anybody interested in helping with this ongoing project – whether planning or planting – can contact Simon at: or 01625-267824.
You can see from our pictures how well some of the hedges have developed from initial planting to now. It's making a real difference to our environment, and helps support the fantastic variety of birds which visit the area.
If you would like to hear more about the ongoing work of the Parish Council, why not come along to the AGM on 15th May, 7:30pm in the Church Hall?
Your Parish Councillors are all volunteers who work hard on your behalf to maintain and improve Henbury.