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Henbury Society AGM

1st May 2018 @ 2:02pm – by Henbury Webteam
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Tuesday 15th May 2018 . Henbury Church Hall at 7.15 for 7.30

This year's Henbury Society AGM will be held along with the Millennium Green Trust AGM

Light refreshments will be available between the two meetings.

We will be electing the Officers and Committee Members of the Henbury Society for 2018-19 and reporting on the Society's activities over the 2017-18 period.

Also, with the help of our local PCSO we will be introducing to Henbury the Cheshire Constabulary's "Operation Shield" initiative, a unique DNA marking system that is protecting homes & businesses in the county by reducing burglary opportunities, deterring offenders and identifying and recovering stolen property. By working with the Police special prices for DNA Marking Kits will be available. More details about Operation Shield http://local.27414)

So please make every effort to come along and take advantage of this opportunity to protect your property. Everyone is most welcome.

Under new General Data Protection Regulations the Society is required to obtain your agreement for it to hold and use the personal data about you which you give when you join or renew your membership. It is also required to obtain your agreement as to how it contacts you. You will find the details in the Members Privacy Policy here and we ask you to print, complete and sign this form when you join or renew your membership. Annual Subscriptions are now due at £5 per household / £3 per single occupancy.

We very much look forward to seeing you on May 15th.

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