Since our October 2016 Update the following things have happened:
1. In mid December 2106 the Inspector published his VIEWS ON FURTHER MODIFICATIONS NEEDED TO THE LOCAL PLAN STRATEGY (PROPOSED CHANGES) see here in which he stated that the LPS put before the autumn 2016 Examination was , for the most part, sound and legally compliant but outlined some further work by CEC and modifications that were needed to ensure that the Local Plan Strategy is sound. The modifications he mentioned relevant to Henbury were :
(a) Although he considered the Sites CS40, 41 and 32 sound and legally compliant he noted that a significant number of windfall sites i.e. not in green belt have been coming forward consistently in recent years" and recommends that "a realistic total allowance for housing from this source should be included in the housing figures for both 5 year and overall supply to provide further flexibility of housing provision".
We wrote to CEC Planning in Mid January 2017 urging them to use these "windfall" numbers to reduce the amount of green belt released and pointed out that about 30 new dwellings are planned or have been built in the parish very recently.
(b) The Inspector referred to the necessity of preserving the Cock Wood SBI by excluding it from the Safeguarded Land CS32.
We wrote to CEC Planning in mid January pointing out that the Cock Wood SBI extends well into Site CS 40 and should be excluded from that site also.
2. On 6th February 2017 CEC published a SCHEDULE of PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS to the CHESHIRE EAST LOCAL PLAN STRATEGY (see file embedded in this article) and submitted it to Public Consultation between Feb 6th and March 20th . This simply lists the Main Modifications proposed by the Inspector that CEC has agreed to.
Key points for Henbury are:
(a) CS32 has been reduced by about 7 hectares thus reducing the impact on the Cock Wood SBI but CS 40 remains unchanged almost destroying the eastern leg of the SBI. This map shows the revised Green Belt boundaries.
(b) CS41 remains unchanged.
(c) No reduction of green belt release on account of windfall housing or recent building in the parish stating the "avoidance of double counting" as a factor. .
The Feb 6th – March 20th Consultation is the LAST opportunity available to us to make representations to CEC about the Local Plan. The Parish Council and the Henbury Society will be responding especially about the need to protect all of the SBI and provide a buffer around it. We will make these responses available via but all residents are also entitled to respond via this link.
The Inspector will then study the outcome of the consultation and issue his Final Report which is highly likely to declare the Plan sound and legally compliant. Thereafter the Plan will be submitted to Cheshire East Council and , assuming they accept it, it will come into force for the period up to 2030.