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Missing Cat

26th May 2020 @ 9:09pm – by Henbury Webteam
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We have received a heartfelt plea from Ben & Jenny to see if anyone can help find their missing cat....

"Has anyone seen our cat Pippa?

She's a 3 year old Black and white cat. She been missing since late Sunday night (24th May). She's microchipped and was wearing a purple collar with a bell (unless she's lost it).

It's extremely unusual for her to be away from home for this long. We're worried she maybe trapped somewhere.

Please, please could you check gardens, sheds, garages and any other outbuildings.

She's very shy and unlikely to approach you. We live in Whirley but we know she enjoyed exploring the fields towards Henbury.

We're very worried and just want her home.

We live on Belmont Ave, Whirley.

If you see her please contact us on 07966 973901 or 07810 825556.
Many thanks
Ben & Jenny"

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