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The Future of Henbury Millennium Green

8th October 2023 @ 2:02pm – by Henbury Webteam
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Two ways you can help to ensure the future of The Green in Henbury

Many people have expressed sadness that it is not possible to hold a Henbury Bonfire and Fireworks this year. Now the trustees have come up with two ways in which you can support The Green to help protect this vital resource, and the events held on it, for the future.

Henbury Millennium Green was created in 1999 with a grant of about £25000 of lottery money from the Millennium Commission, which was matched by grants from Macclesfield Borough Council , the Landfill Tax Authority and generous gifts and covenants from Henbury residents. A condition of the Millennium Commission grant was that a Registered Charity must be set up to own and operate a green space in perpetuity for the community to enjoy informal outdoor recreation and community gatherings. This charity, known as Henbury Millennium Green Trust, is governed according to a Trust Deed and a Deed of Indemnity with Natural England as successor to The Millennium Commission.

The Trustees, who hold the legal responsibility to Natural England and The Charity Commission for the ownership and running of HMG, currently number six locally based, unpaid volunteers who have, over the last 23 years, carried out much of the maintenance and improvement of the Green themselves, with support from local volunteers on major events such as the Bonfire & Fireworks, tree planting and maintenance.

However, for those who became Trustees in the heady times of the Millennium, the passing years are making their mark. Therefore, if Henbury is to secure this green space forever, the Trust must now recruit a small number of younger Trustees to succeed some of them.

Could you become a Trustee?

We recognise that work and family commitments leave many local residents with little spare time, and the prospect of taking on legal responsibility for HMG might seem daunting. However – it's really not too bad! A trustees' meeting on one evening every couple of months and a working party one weekend morning, three or four times a year is not too onerous – and prospective trustees will have the satisfaction of ensuring that they, and their children or grandchildren (and future newcomers to the village) will be able to enjoy open space, wildflowers, and woodland forever.

Or – be a "Friend"

To help with all the vital work needed to operate the Green properly, the Trustees would also like to build a group of local people who are prepared to work with, and support them, but do not wish to take on Trusteeship. This would be a Friends of the Green group doing, for example, one or more of the following :

  • Specialising on the one big fundraiser, the Bonfire & Firework Display.
  • Assisting on regular weekend "work days" when we are thinning and coppicing in the woodland, maintaining the footpath, trimming the willow house or maintaining the hedges.
  • Carrying out a Quarterly Site Inspection and reporting back to Trustees.
  • Play area inspection and maintenance.

If you could find some time to help us conserve this great asset for the village of Henbury either as a Friend of the Green or a Trustee we would love to have a chat with you about what's involved, and how we could work together. You can reach us at :

Susan Pegg: susan.hmgt@outlook.com

Roger Cousin; roger.cousin@icloud.com 07981 299 875

Chris Dafforn : chris.dafforn@btinternet.com 07713 010 977

Simon Browne : simonbrowne108@gmail.com 07990 542 516

David Walker; havochouse17@gmail.com 07527 456288

We thank you in advance

Your Henbury Millennium Green Trustees

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