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Free Trial Pilates

14th October 2017 – by Henbury Webteam
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alderley pilates 15 year anniversary cake from wienholts  alderley edge  2

Alderley Pilates on Chelford Road celebrated the 15th anniversary of the studio with a visit from the 'Queen of Pilates', Lynne Robinson.

Lynne has recently been seen demonstrating sample exercises in OK, Hello and the Telegraph, and has been credited for Holly Willoughby's new
'lean and fit' body. She is the founder of Body Control Pilates, the leading Pilates teacher training organisation in the UK, and author of numerous Pilates books,
including the latest bestseller, 'Pilates for Life'.

"It was actually quite humbling to hear Lynne talk", said Jan Bowen from Alderley Pilates. "To hear the impact Pilates has made on people's lives, in some cases helping them to overcome illness or injury, but also to improve their posture and core strength and simply feel fitter and better aboutthemselves."

The Alderley Pilates Autumn Programme of small group classes, from Beginner to Advanced, Matwork and private lessons is now underway and there is still
time to join the classes.

The team also have some special free trial lessons coming up (phone to book):

High Intensity Power Pilates ( HIP ) on Wed 1st Nov at 1100. Participants should have some Pilates experience.

On Wed 8th Nov at 1100 there is a free trial of Pilates and Mindfulness which is a gentle and relaxing session which increases body awareness and calm.

Visit www.alderleypilates.co.uk
Email info@alderleypilates.co.uk
Phone 01625 860 475.

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