The latest Covid-19 Government Guidance states that groups of up to six people from different households can meet outdoors following social distancing guidelines and that outdoor playgrounds can reopen after July 4th 2020. So we want to get the play area on the Green open again as soon as possible.
However our annual Playground Safety Survey, carried out by RoSPA in April, revealed a couple of issues that must be resolved to meet statutory safety standards for children's play areas. They will all be resolved before re-opening, but the one which is taking the most time, because of a delivery backlog due to the coronavirus pandemic, is the topping up of the special wood chip used to cushion a fall from the equipment
Our supplier has promised a delivery of this wood chip in week commencing July 6th so we're hoping to have everything in place to open up again on Sunday July 12th at the latest.
We'll post another message on this website as soon as we have a firm opening date which will also include Government guidance on distancing and personal hygiene which you'll need to follow when using the play equipment.