As we prepare for the biggest feast of the year don't forget to spare a thought for the hundreds of animals and birds that live here in Henbury too. The cold, dark winter months make life tough for them but, with a little help from us, we can help make winter more tolerable.
Here's a fun way you can help the birds in your garden this winter. Children and Grandchildren alike love to get messy in the kitchen so roll their sleeves up and let them loose on this fat cake recipe. They'll be delighted to watch a host of hungry birds feasting away once it's hung in the garden.
What You Will Need:
Don't forget to leave fresh water for birds and a bowl of water at ground level for other creatures too. If your pond freezes over during the winter don't forget to make a hole so that animals can drink.
Any leftover fruit, bacon rind, stale cake etc is equally welcome scattered around the garden too.
We would love to hear your wildlife stories. You can contact us here.