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Concerns on speeding in Henbury

4th June 2017 – by Henbury Parish Council
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Message from Henbury Parish Council

At the recent Henbury Society AGM, residents expressed concerns regarding speeding through the village. This has been raised with the Parish Council who respond as follows:

Henbury Parish Council recognises the concerns of Henbury residents and members of the Henbury Society in relation to the issue of speeding in the village. The Parish Council have speeding on the agenda at most, if not all, Parish Council meetings. We are aware of the issue caused by people passing through the village, and by a small number of Henbury residents.

The Parish Council have taken a pro-active approach to the issue, and have successfully managed to have the national speed limit on Andertons Lane and Church Lane reduced to 30mph. The PC pushed for a reduction to 20mph but this was rejected by the Highways Agency.

Members of the PC have attended full Cheshire East Council meetings on speeding, and are currently working to see speed reduction measures implemented on Chelford Road. The Police make regular reports to the PC and are aware of our concerns. Speeding checks are carried out on an ongoing basis with several motorists stopped and reported. Residents are asked to report any incidents of speeding to the Police on 101.

There are a number of community speed reduction schemes available that do require the input of residents to operate. If any Henbury residents are willing and able to commit to assisting with any speed reduction scheme, then please register your interest by emailing the Parish Council at henbury.clerk@gmail.com

If we receive enough interest then we will undertake to consider any scheme in detail.

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