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Chelford Road Development

28th November 2021 @ 6:06am – by Henbury Parish Council
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You will no doubt have noticed that Bellway Homes have commenced building works on the land to the North of Chelford Road.

Henbury Parish Council and others are disappointed to note that Cheshire East Council have discharged most of the conditions attached to the site, most notably the conditions attached to drainage and the removal of a large amount of peat from the site.

A formal complaint has been submitted to the council, which may be read in the attached file. The Parish Council and other interested parties are looking into other options to ensure that this valuable piece of land isn't destroyed for generations to come. So far the developer has shown scant regard for due process by erecting signage without planning permission and removing sensitive hedgerow without due regard. Residents are asked to note any issues to the Parish Council (henbury.clerk@gmail.com) and to Cheshire East Planning Enforcement (planning.enforcement@cheshireeast.gov.uk).

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