Well – thank you to all those residents who have activated their Broadband Voucher from the Department of Digital Culture Media and Sport – we have now gained in excess of £100,000 contribution from the government to meet our target of £145,000 to install Superfast Broadband in Henbury. So now we just need the final "push" to get there!
In addition, the Parish Council have agreed to act as the Legal Entity who will sign the contract for installation with Openreach IF we meet the target.
We are working hard to liaise with Openreach and get the full picture.
For those residents who were in the first batch to be invited to apply for a voucher, you may receive reminder emails. If you have decided you don't want to participate, please just ignore them.
For residents keen to join, who have not yet received a voucher invitation, please bear with us. We are working with Openreach to get them to Issue further invitations, so that we can reach our target.
If you have any questions you can email editor@henbury.org