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Local Plan August 2016

18th August 2016 – by Henbury Webteam
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CEC Planners have now published the results of the recent consultation on the Local Plan Proposed Changes document. In addition they have given details of some further changes they propose as a result of the consultation. However, our representations in favour of preserving our Green Belt have been ignored or rejected so none of these further changes applies to the Green Belt land between Henbury and Macclesfield.

This means that Site CS 41 between Whirley & Chelford Roads and CS 40 south of Chelford Road remain as dedicated for immediate development of 150 and 200 dwellings respectively, and Site CS32 west and south west of Macclesfield remains " safeguarded" for development of 2000 dwellings after 2030.

However, in their consultation submissions, the house builders are advocating the immediate development of Site CS 32 with at least 2000 homes and building of the link road.

All consultation submissions will go before the Inspector in September for a decision on what is included in the final Plan. Both Henbury Parish Council and the Henbury Society will attend the relevant Inspector's hearings to pursue the reasons we already raised in the consultation which show the Plan is contrary to National Planning Policy Framework and that Sites CS 32, 40 and 41 should NOT be released from the Green Belt. There we shall be up against the considerable resources of the developers and the Council who may well employ barristers to make their case.

The Save Macclesfield Green Belt group, which has the Green Belt between Henbury and Macclesfield at the heart of its campaign, has decided to engage a barrister to fight its case at the Inspector's Hearings and is seeking financial support from other interested parties. The Henbury Society fully supports their initiative and has pledged £1500 from Society funds as does the Parish Council which has pledged £1800 to support their work.

Reference to the Save Macclesfield Green Belt website shows how individuals can also contribute should they wish.
We will keep you updated as the situation develops and welcome any feedback from you.

David Nuttall, Chairman, Henbury Parish Council
Roger Cousin, Chairman, The Henbury Society

August 2016

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