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Whirley Road Gritting

31st January 2020 @ 7:07am – by Henbury Webteam
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whirley road gritting

Concerns have been raised about the removal of Whirley Road and Birtles Road from the winter gritting routes.

When the decision was revealed at an Area Highways Group recently, Whirley Councillor James Barber spoke out against it, and was told it was a "done deal". Since then, he and fellow Councillor Rob Vernon have been trying to get Cheshire East to review the decision.

James said "I have once again raised the question with Highways and await a response. I will keep everyone updated once I hear anything. Our residents and their children deserve better. As they walk to school or are driven in by parents, we have a responsibility to keep them safe. The same goes for residents of Whirley Road and Birtles Road & Henbury. We hope to find a quick solution to this, and as I say, we will make sure you are all aware of what's going on".

Henbury Parish Councillor, Richard Slater said "this appears to be a decision made before the May elections, by the Tory Council. These are two busy roads, with narrow pavements, and children and parents are being put at risk by this short-sighted decision"

If you feel strongly about this and would like to see the gritting reinstated, please email Cllr Laura Crane, Deputy Highways Portfolio Holder, She can be contacted at: laura.crane@cheshireeast.gov.uk

Alternatively contact your Ward Councillor – lesley.smetham@cheshireeast.gov.uk

In addition, a petition has been set up. You can add your support by going to

change.org and search for "Whirley Road"

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