Following the abrupt postponement of decisions on the above planning applications back in March, Cheshire East Council have now re-opened all three applications for further comments. The applications propose a total of 232, 135 and 31 homes respectively.
This follows pressure from Henbury Parish Council, Save Macclesfield Greenbelt, David Rutley MP, and residents to request that proper investigations should take place into the cumulative impact of these developments on air quality and traffic flow in the area, prior to any planning decisions being made.
The developers have now submitted new documents to take this into account, and these are available to view on the Cheshire East Planning Portal. Click on these links below to view them:
The developers state that these documents show that there will be no adverse impacts on air quality or highways due to these developments.
Henbury Parish Council will review these new documents in detail, and submit an official response to Cheshire East. However, if you have views on these developments, it is important that you respond as an individual.
The applications are open for comment until 17th August, and a decision on all 3 is expected to be made at the Strategic Planning Board on 4th September. You can view details of each individual Planning Application here
Your Parish Council has already made the point that August is a very inconvenient time to expect people to consider and comment on such important developments, due to holidays.