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Perfect Planters!

27th June 2022 – by Henbury Webteam
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new planters

Don't the new planters around the village look beautiful?

In years gone by, as part of the Henbury Society activities, a gentleman named John Russell built some beautiful wooden planters to be placed around the village. He then spent many years maintaining and planting them each year for the benefit of residents.

Sadly, John passed away a while ago, and the planters had also come to the end of their lives.

As part of the closure of the Henbury Society, the trustees approached Henbury Parish Council to see if they could assist with the costs of suitable replacements, so that John Russell's legacy could be continued.

The Parish Council readily agreed to fund the cost of replacements and plants, though it was hoped that perhaps volunteer residents might take on the actual planting, ongoing care and seasonal updates.

Happily some kindly residents have done just that, so John's legacy continues and Henbury residents all benefit.

If you are a keen gardener (or even if you're not), and would like to help with the upkeep and care of the planters, please email: editor@henbury.org

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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