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Local Plan Update from Parish Council

2nd September 2017 @ 9:09am – by Henbury Parish Council
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Henbury Parish Council has objected to the Local Plan from its announcement. Parish Councillors have made strong representations to the Local Councillor, M.P. and to the inspector at the hearings earlier this year and continue to oppose the plan due to the numerous flaws in its current format.

Following the announcement of the application to develop land designated CS41announced by Robinsons Brewery, the Parish Council convened an additional meeting to discuss the action to be taken in response to the announcement. A letter was drafted to Mr. Fisher, Head of Planning, covering the following points the Parish Council feel should be grounds for refusal.

Environment, Green Belt Boundary, Bag Brook, Traffic, Schools and Air Quality.

Further to this it was announced that the Local Plan had been adopted. All Parish Councillors are united in their objection to this. it should be noted that whilst the local Councillor for Henbury, Lesley Smetham, voted in favour of the plan this was not endorsed by the Parish Council.

As a consequence of the plan being adopted a further letter has been sent to interested parties again noting our concerns and those of residents. A copy of the contents of the letter are attached for reference.

The next parish Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13th September 2017 19:30 hrs at the Church Hall where the Local Plan and other planning matters will be discussed. Henbury has increased the number of new homes built and planned to be built by over 32 new properties. The Parish Council do not object to sustainable development but remain determined to defend the integrity of the green belt for generations to come.

To the Head of Planning, CE Council
Dear Mr Fisher
Henbury PC has seen a proposal by Redrow and Jones to build 200 houses on CS40, south of Chelford Road. At a meeting with ChALC on 25 July Head of Planning stated that he welcomes comments in advance of any pre-planning discussions. This letter gives our first reactions to the proposals, but we point out that our comments are closely related to our comments of (date) on the Local Plan provisions for CS 32, CS40 and CS41, to which we received no substantial reply.
CS 40 is adjacent to Henbury Parish, and the comments on Environment and Infrastructure which we made on the CS41 proposals in our letter of (date) apply with equal force to the proposals for CS40.
The following comments are based on the relevant parts of that letter:
Environment. The proposal is for housing on part of the Green Belt, and should be developed with particular sensitivity to the environment. In particular it should take into account the proximity of the Cock Wood SBI, which appears to coincide with the boundary of the proposal. An ecological survey of the ponds in this part of the SBI will be required. We note also that the north-west corner of CS40 is not included; we regard it as essential that any development of this Green Belt area should be planned as a whole rather than piecemeal.
Traffic. The A537 Chelford Road is already overloaded, and we have already expressed our concern at the extra traffic the development would bring, and the likelihood that there will be increased pressure on the minor roads through Henbury as a consequence. We would welcome a full investigation of the impact of the proposed development.
Road Junction . Access to the new development will be on to A537. No detail is available, and we are concerned that any scheme will cause obstruction on this very busy road. Furthermore, any development of CS41 would also require access to the A537, and there remains part of CS41 (on the east) which if developed would require yet another road junction. These three requirements should be considered together, before piecemeal schemes are proposed.
Schools. We understand that the local schools are already overloaded and are restricting their intake of children from Henbury. The proposal assumes that places will be available for the new residents, many of whom will be young families. Has this been properly analysed?
Local facilities. Access to shops and other facilities will inevitably be by car, adding to the serious traffic burden. There is no local GP surgery, and those at Chelford and Waters Green are already overloaded
Air quality. Cheshire East have identified the Broken Cross roundabout/A537 area as falling below national air quality limits, and have stated as follows (CEC Air Quality webpage) that a report and an action plan are required before planning permission can be granted:
If a development is in close proximity to, or within an existing Air Quality Management Area, the report MUST show there is no adverse impact on Air Quality within the AQMA. If an adverse impact is predicted suitable mitigation should be suggested which is aimed at reducing this impact as far as is reasonably practicable.
The proposed housing development is close to Broken Cross, and can only lead to a further degradation as a result of increased traffic, and hence congestion, in the area. A statement on how the development is expected to impact on the air quality levels will be an essential element in the planning process.

We believe that the planning process for this and the adjacent sites would be best advanced by discussions of these points in advance of a formal application by the developer, and we would be gratified to hear that you are willing for such discussions to be arranged. signed by HPC Chairman

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