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Henbury Millennium Green says a BIG THANK YOU

21st February 2023 @ 8:08pm – by Henbury Millennium Green Trust
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Who's Been Busy on the Willow House?

Every year the willow saplings that form the dome of the lovely play house on the Green grow furiously upwards and have to be woven downwards into the dome in late winter so when they they burst into leaf in the spring they make a lovely natural green canopy.

So when we M G Trustees went on the Green last Saturday morning to do some maintenance we fully expected to have to do that job.

Imagine how surprised, amazed and delighted we were to find , as this photo shows, someone had had already done the job for us in a very skilled and sympathetic way!!

We really, really don't know who has given their time to get the willow house ready for the spring but we are hugely grateful to you for expressing your respect and love of the Green in this way.

We would love to meet you to thank you in person and perhaps find out if you would like to help us in some way with maintaining and improving this unique green asset of Henbury in the future.

So do please get in touch. You can reach us via editor@henbury.org or directly to any of the Trustees. at this link.

Your Henbury Millennium Green Trustees

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