Last year our website had around 8,500 separate "visits" and our facebook following is growing too – 154 followers at the last count. Not bad for our little village! Did you know that we post all news articles from the website on our facebook page as well? You can follow us here.
Thank you to all our contributors. If you have any news, info or pictures relevant to Henbury, please contact
Don't forget to book your Christmas Tree collection in aid of Cheshire Hospice. This will take place on 12th and 13th January. Details here.
In anticipation of icy weather to come, Henbury Parish Council have arranged to have grit for the road replaced in the bin at the bottom of Pepper Street, and also placed a supply in the small car park at the Church Hall.
Did anybody try out our Christmas Walk? Please let us know if you did!
As usual, the Vicar has shared his "Letter from the Vicarage" for this month. Read it here.
Best wishes for 2019.
The Henbury Webteam.