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Getting Ready for Spring on the Green

23rd January 2025 @ 9:09pm – by Henbury Millennium Green Trust
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Working Party on the Green Sunday February 2nd 2025

Everyone's been really lucky to have had a few excellent snowy days this month to enjoy our Green at it's best in winter.

But now it's time to get ready for Spring !
So can you come to help please to lend a hand please?

There's lots to do to be sure the Green is at it's best when the Spring Sunshine arrives.
Things like :
1. Clearing brambles that are smothering young trees.
2. Clearing wayward growth of blackthorn
3. Cutting back grass that's overgrowing the footpath in places.
4. Pruning the willow house and the new arbour in the Play Area.
5. Cutting down a tree that's suffering from ash dieback

These photos from this time last year show the "Friends of the Green" team with some of the Trustees doing similar jobs and it was amazing to see how much a team can achieve in a couple of hours.
So this year , if you can spare a couple of hours to give us a hand please , we'd love to see you, mums, dads and kids, anytime between 9.30 and 1 pm on Sunday February 2nd.

Warm clothes, wellies and gardening gloves recommended. We'll have some tools available but if you bring along a spade , loppers, secateurs, a rake that would be helpful.

With Best Wishes

Your Henbury Millennium Green Trustees

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