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Flooding Between Henbury Rise and the Moss Cottages

22nd January 2023 @ 9:09am – by Henbury Webteam
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Henbury Parish Council has given us this update on the situation.

Henbury Parish Council ,supported by Cheshire East Ward Councillor Lesley Smetham, have for some considerable time been pursuing this issue with Cheshire East Council Flood Risk management and the relevant landowners.
It has been determined that damaged or blocked land drains running in an easterly direction from the site are the cause of the land between Henbury Rise and the Moss Cottages flooding in wet conditions. (See the right hand bottom corner of this recent aerial photo! ).

At a recent meeting between the Cheshire East Flood Risk Officer and some of the landowners a new land drain was proposed which would allow the flow of water away from the flood site , eventually being discharged into the stream that flows under Chelford Road and down through Cock Wood.
This indicates some progress on the matter but it is likely to take some time to reach agreement between all interested parties before any work can proceed.

The Parish Council will continue to vigorously pursue this issue and keep residents informed of progress.

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