Cheshire Fire Authority is seeking views on increasing the 2018/19 council tax precept following new Government guidelines.
Cheshire Fire Authority recently consulted on its draft Integrated Risk Management Plan for 2018/19. Part of this consultation sought views on proposals to increase the Fire Authority's share of council tax (called a precept) by 1.99% in 2018/19. If taken forward, this would see the precept by Cheshire Fire Authority increase by £1.46 per year to £74.75 for a Band D equivalent property.
Very late in the consultation process, on 19th December, the Government announced that local authorities – including fire and rescue authorities – would be allowed to raise their share of council tax by 3% before the need to hold a public referendum on a proposed increase. Therefore, the Authority is seeking views on proposals to increase its share of council tax by 2.99% in 2018/19.
An increase of 2.99% for 2018/19 would see the precept charged by Cheshire Fire Authority increase by £2.19 per year to £75.48 for a Band D equivalent property.
This additional funding of £268,000 per year would help the Authority to continue to provide essential prevention, protection and emergency response services against a reduction in central government funding between now and 2020/21.
Please use the link below to let us know what you think about proposing to increase the Authority's share of council tax by 2.99% in 2018/19.
You can have your say by clicking on the link below:
The consultation will close on Monday 12th February 2018.
Both the original proposal to increase the Authority's share of council tax by 1.99% and the proposal to increase it by 2.99% instead will be considered by Members of Cheshire Fire Authority at their meeting on Wednesday 14th February 2018.