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Broadband Update 6th November

6th November 2019 – by Henbury Webteam
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broadband thermometer 1

We are on the way!

Following our update on 2nd November, we now have further information regarding the issue of voucher emails from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). These are issued in limited batches rather than all at once, so not everybody who expressed interest has received the email yet. DCMS are waiting to see how many people take up the voucher offer before issuing further emails. In this way they limit the number of vouchers available.

As you can see from our Broadband Thermometer – many residents and businesses have already responded to the email, and been allocated funding towards the scheme. Thanks to them – we are on the way to achieving full funding by the government. Each resident who signs up for a voucher gets £1500 from the government towards the funding, and each business gets £3500. Remember you have just 28 days to respond.

However – we have an important request:

If you have received the email from DCMS, but have decided you don't want to join the scheme, please help us by letting us know. We can then request that an email/voucher is issued instead to another resident who does wish to participate, which will all go towards the community funding pot.

You can let us know by emailing editor@henbury.org, or by contacting Parish Councillor Mike Wood: mikewood.hpc@btinternet.com Phone 01625 432561.

We will update the Broadband Thermometer Chart on Henbury Online periodically – so you can check our progress. If we don't achieve the full funding, the scheme will not proceed.

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