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Are you Connected yet?

28th May 2021 @ 10:10am – by Henbury Webteam
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Are you a voucher holder and have you recently been connected to the new fibre network? Then please do let us know. it really is important to the successful conclusion of the project. An e.mail has been sent to those we are awaiting to hear from asking you to update us if you have and if you have responded to the DCMS e.mail asking you to confirm that you have had fibre installed. If you have had fibre installed AND haven't yet had an e.mail from GOV.UK asking you to confirm then please get in touch as soon as possible so that we may escalate the matter.

Please do ensure you also respond to that e.mail as that releases funding to cover the £153.940 cost of the project. Each residential completion gives us £1500 towards the costs we MUST cover.

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