Once again, our Parish Councillors have been hard at work raising the pertinent issues for the Board to consider prior to making a decision.
Of particular ongoing concern is the issue of peat removal from the site. Accordingly the Parish Council commissioned a full expert report into the issue, which has recomended that further investigation into the extent of the peat on site, and its management is required.
Henbury Parish Council's full latest objection to this development.
Our local MP David Rutley shares the concerns raised by HPC regarding peat removal and you can read more on his website.
And today the Daily Telegraph have also publicised the concerns for the site with an article headed "The next Lindow Man could be bulldozed, archaeologists fear, as a housing developer plans to build on peatland."
If you are interested in how Cheshire East deals with these contentious planning applications, you can actually join the Strategic Planning Board meeting virtually on Wednesday morning. Details here.