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The Millennium Green's Open Again

25th May 2020 @ 10:10am – by Henbury Millennium Green Trust
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After more that seven weeks closure we are delighted to say that the Millennium Green is open again for visitors so why not come along and spend some time relaxing in the fresh air and sunshine.

Unfortunately Government Coronavirus Guidelines mean we've had to keep the the children's play area closed but there's plenty of other things to do. Why not search for marsh orchids in the wildflower meadow (see the pic here) , take a walk round to the sundial to tell the time (remember we are 1 hour ahead of GMT) or shoot penalties at the goalpost

Of course we'll be asking you to follow Social Distancing Rules here as you would anywhere else , keeping two meters apart especially near the gate as you arrive and leave. And please don't park your car in the entrance because that makes social distancing very difficult in that area.

There aren't any hand washing or sanitising facilities on the Green so please consider bringing hand sanitiser with you to ensure good hand hygiene.

Keep well and we look forward to seeing you on YOUR Green.

Henbury Millennium Green Trustees

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