Dear Residents
Henbury Parish Council would like to ask for your support with regards to the footpath between Henbury & Whirley, and in particular the section between the Moss Cottages and the Whirley field.
Two deep boggy holes have appeared on the path at OS Grid Reference SJ 884 740 (please see the images) which have the potential to break an ankle if you don't see them and fall in, as they are around 6 inches deep. Do please take care and watch out for these holes especially at night.
We have reported these holes to Cheshire East Public Rights of Way department but we often find they only respond and repair the path if they receive multiple comments and requests for repair.
So if you use the path we would like to ask you to contact Mr Poole at Cheshire East Public Rights of Way department Telephone 01270 686079 or and report these two holes, or any other issues you may have about Henbury footpaths. The Public Rights of Way department is funded by your council tax, so it is very important to ensure this money goes on maintaining the paths and not in legal claims for accidents.
Unlike many paths on the PROW network, this path has a real purpose, other than just leisure traffic, and therefore, we want to ensure CEC maintain this path properly.
Many thanks
Richard Slater
Vice Chairman
Henbury Parish Council