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Flora Redvelopment

31st January 2021 @ 12:12pm – by Henbury Webteam
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#Cheshire East Council Receives Planning Application to Redevelop Flora Site

Many Henbury residents visited Broadgrove's Pre- Planning Application Presentation at Flora last December. Some kindly gave us feedback to Henbury Online which was generally complimentary but with concerns about traffic feeding on to Pepper Street from the new houses .

Hall & Co , a local builders, have now submitted a formal Planning Application to Cheshire East for a
Redevelopment to provide a new, flexible commercial unit and 14 residential dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping which is substantially the same as the December presentation but with much more detail .

Comment on the planning application 21/0289M can be made up to 03 March 2021 on the CEC website.

Again, do let us know what you think by emailing editor@henbury.org. We'll try and publish a summary of your views.

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