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Broadband Update 9th January 2020

10th January 2020 – by Henbury Webteam
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target thermometer v 3

Latest news on the Henbury Superfast Broadband Project:

  • As you can see from the chart, we have almost achieved our target for government funding to allow our project to go ahead. Thank you to all have signed up so far.
  • This has involved some fairly intensive work in terms of collating information from residents, liaising with and obtaining information from Openreach, following up queries, and investigating why some vouchers have gone astray.
  • We are now on the final push to get the last part of funding. We have to confirm which vouchers are not going to be taken up, and get Openreach to request replacement vouchers for those who do wish to proceed, including some people who have recently moved to Henbury.

In order to help us – please get in touch if you have been offered a voucher but are unsure about anything – we can try & help answer your questions.

If you are keen to participate, but haven't received a voucher, please bear with us. You may receive one soon. We know that Openreach seem to be selecting certain addresses and excluding others, though the criteria aren't always clear.

However – the good news is that this is a community project, and if we can achieve the total required, the project will go ahead for the community as a whole.

It would be a shame to miss our target by a few thousand pounds, so if you are speaking to friends or neighbours who have not expressed interest in joining the scheme, please encourage them to get in touch with us so we can try and get them a voucher.

The scheme cannot go ahead unless we achieve full funding from the government via the vouchers.

You can contact us by emailing editor@henbury.org

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